Monday, August 23, 2010

3 Weeks New

So this weekend was my BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! It was pretty awesome. Saturday we woke up and went to the Hudson Valley Rib Festival. Tons of famous rib vendors selling tasty delicious food with amazing bbq sauces. I tried a few and then walked around and checked out some of the other vendors. Easily the best one was a hot sauce guy called Sean's Boo-Yah sauce. He had 3 heats I tried, Not-So-Hot, Sorta Hot and Real Hot. I ended buying a bottle of the Real Hot because it was so amazing and the best I've ever had.

Saturday night we went to the Drive-In movies and paid a whopping $5 for two movies, The Expendables and Dinner For Schmucks. The Expendables was ok, lots of gun fire and yelling in a rambo-style thing. Dinner For Schmucks was terribly disappointing, a few cheap laughs but not the constant laugh, insanely funny movie I had so hoped for. I guess for $2.50 a movie it was worth it. Sunday was a rainy, crappy day and the family came for my B-Day to have lunch and see the campus which they couldn't do because it was gross out. After they left I did about 2 hours of homework and passed out around midnight.

Today was... interestingly awful. Up at 4:15am, at class at 5am.... no one's there... obviously. Another few people showed up and we sat around until 5:30 when a chef strolls in and tells us our normal chef isn't here today and he'll be filling in. After he explicitly states we won't need our knives today we know this is gonna be long and not fun. We learned about the fish kitchen and watched him demo how to do the 2 cuts for Round Fish and 1 cut for Flat Fish. After a little clean-up we had a 2 hour lecture while the 8am class started in the kitchen... that chef didn't stop yelling the entire time we were in lecture and it was crystal clear to hear.We got out around 11am.

I'd say the best part of the day was when the TA and Chef told us about how our actual Chef will be a yelling machine. I can't wait until tomorrow when he expects us all to know how to somewhat do these cuts and we can't because we've yet to touch a knife. Oh, by the way, every other class did cutting today except for us... I shoveled ice. Good day. I tried to nap when I got back and slept for an hour before there was enough noise in my room to drown out 20 crying babies. I woke up, did some more homework, got dinner and now I'm taking a break for the homework and writing this.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I can't wait till we are done with Seafood and Meat.

Chef (not so sure anymore) Werblin

ps. I used to enjoy cooking
pps. The other chef we listened to yell today made roughly 3 people cry and I quote "Who do you think you are? You're nobody and you're going nowhere"... great way to teach... and this is supposed to be the best culinary school in the country/world.

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