Tuesday I woke up nice and early and did a little practicing for my Rick Bayless Presentation in Gastronomy. Needless to say I KILLED IT! We rocked the presentation, had all our stuff down pat and easily answered all questions... I expect nothing less than an A. Lunch was not for me at all so I won't even bother explaining it (salmon again). But dinner was quite good from the Skills 3 kitchen (the third installment of "basic" cooking in the first semester). It was Beef Tenderloin with Potatoes Au Gratin and Corn, amazing. All of it. Whatever sauce was on it was awesome too. One of the best meals I've eaten here.
Today I had PK again and this time we did Herbs, Pears and Apples. Lunch was banquet but check this... I don't have to go to banquet anymore. Although to you all this seems ridiculous, why wouldn't I want a usually delicious 3-course meal everyday, it is tedious and time-consuming. So I can now eat wherever. Dinner wasn't bad, Roasted Herb Chicken with Potatoes, Onions and Mushrooms.
It was flavorful all around but the chicken was dry which is kind of a turn-off. I'll be posting lots of picture now of all my food.
Tonight was a fun, laid back night starting with a little tennis to get the legs pumping and then relaxing and messing around in the girl's room (that's how I'll refer to the room we all hang out in most of the time) until I returned to study a bit before bed.
2 quizzes tomorrow and 2 quizzes Friday... study, study, study.
Get ready for the weekend!
Chef Werblin
ps. I've been looking up all these "Fests" to go to around here and it's damn exciting. Garlic Fest, Buffalo Wing Fest, Rib Fest so if you live decently close to or in NY and want to get information ask me because all of these are inexpensive and well worth the drive.
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